Friday, December 28, 2012

annnnnd a happy new year!

well hi friends!

i hope everyone had a very merry christmas!!!!
i did for sure!

i am currently watching freaks and geeks and flipping through the rookie year book! 


Monday, December 17, 2012

music monday


sufjan stevens?

know about him?

wellllllll he is so great! and this christmas season i have been listening to him religiously.

        HEY! next week is christmas!! WHATTT? 

Saturday, December 15, 2012

it's starting to look a lot like christmas.

hey friends!!!


i hope december has been a lovely month for you!!

its gone by SO fast. really truly where has this year gone?!?!?!


its cold outside and theres been lots of chocolate eating christmas decorating and present wrapping! 

love, love!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

the art museum

today we went to the art museum.

we saw the original norman rockwell paintings. 

it was loverly.

heres an instax picture of me and hailey.


Monday, December 3, 2012

music monday: christmas edition

hey peoples!!!!

heres a christmas edition of music monday.


Saturday, December 1, 2012

hello december.

why hello december.

although i am going to miss november december will be a very happy month.

the advent calendar. 
christmas tree
twinkle lights
cold-er weather
christmas music
learning to crochet  
making presents
christmas music
haileys birthday.

a very christmas-y month!!!