Wednesday, February 29, 2012

3 records wednesday

hello all!
i saw this idea for 3 records wednesday from faroutfashion and i thought i'd try it!

                          iron and wine. there so lovely.


bon iver. such a genius. 
                          the head and the heart so wonderful.


Monday, February 27, 2012

music monday: the head and the heart

hello all! 
today i thought i'd do music monday like katie from skunkboycreatures

the head and the heart. i am just completely obsessed with them.

hope you monday's been wonderful! 


Thursday, February 23, 2012

green tights: outfit post

sorry i haven't blogged in a while!
there is more to come! i'm putting together a d.i.y
exiting stuff.
happy thursday!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


hello there!
right now i have a current obsession with tavi geivsonthe style rookie if you don't know who she is you
should go check her out because she is wonderful. she is only 15 and has already been to fashion week and had tons of interviews and already has an online magazine rookie

happy wednesday!

xx katie

Thursday, February 2, 2012

new at this blogging thing.

hello there! i'm katie
music fanatic.
food eater.
vintage lover.
and first time blogger.